TRENTON, N.J.—Michael DeStasio Jr., TRIP, of Iselin, N.J., was elected president of the Professional Insurance Agents of New Jersey at the association’s annual business meeting. DeStasio is vice president of AssuredPartners of New Jersey in Cranford, N.J.
DeStasio is an active member of PIANJ, serving as president-elect in 2020-21; vice president in 2018-20; treasurer in 2017-18 and secretary in 2016-17. He also is vice president of the Legislative/Regulatory Committee and is vice chairperson of the NJPIAPAC Governing Committee. DeStasio is a member of the association’s Nominations, Executive/Budget & Finance and Carrier Partnership Committees.
Active in the industry, DeStasio is a member of the New Jersey Auto Insurance Plan Governing Committee and the Union County Ethics Committee. He also is a member of the N.J. Motor Truck Association and BiState Motor Carriers and is a member of the Inland Marine Underwriters Association Transportation Committee. In his community, DeStasio was an assistant scout master for The Scouts of America.
PIA New Jersey is the premier professional association for independent insurance agents, working to advance the needs of its members and be a leading voice in the insurance industry. PIANJ provides the very best education, information, advocacy, and business tools possible.