GLENMONT, N.Y.—The Professional Insurance Agents of New York State will present Steven Calick with its Industry Professional of the Year award at the annual Metropolitan Regional Awareness Program. Calick is marketing director for Capital Payment Plan/Imperial PFS in Albany. MetroRAP will be held at The Roosevelt Hotel on Thursday, Jan. 31.
This award recognizes an individual from an insurance company, general agency, managing general agency or other insurance industry profession, who has demonstrated qualities that foster a strong working relationship with agents and brokers, and who has exemplified a commitment to professionalism and service.
“Steven has demonstrated a strong drive to improve his company’s relationships with the industry to benefit customers,” said Jamie Ferris, CIC, CCI, CPIA, PIANY president. “This award reflects his dedication to the business and his reputation for professionalism.”
MetroRAP is PIANY’s first Regional Awareness Program for the year—two more are scheduled for 2019; on Long Island in May and Hudson Valley in October.
Other highlights of the daylong event include an expansive trade show and the keynote/awards luncheon. A Welcome Reception will be hosted by the NY-YIP Wednesday evening, Jan. 30 from 6:30-8:30 pm., to kick off the event at Connolly’s Time Square, 121 West 45th St., New York, NY. Register for the NY-YIP reception at
PIANY is a trade association representing professional, independent insurance agencies, brokerages and their employees throughout the state.