CONCORD, N.H.—The Professional Insurance Agents of New Hampshire Inc. announced its officers for 2024-26 at its annual meeting on Sept. 26, 2024.

- Casey Hadlock of Littleton, N.H., was elected president. Hadlock is president and co-owner of Hadlock Agency Inc., a fourth-generation agency in Littleton. Active in PIANH, Hadlock served as a secretary/treasurer of the association from 2021-24.
- Jeffrey Foy, AAI, of Portsmouth, N.H., was re-elected vice president. Foy is unit leader of Foy Insurance, a division of World Insurance in Manchester, N.H. An active member of PIANH, Foy has served as vice president of the association since 2021.
- Alex Kapiloff, CPCU, CIC, CLU, AAI of Keene, N.H., was elected secretary/treasurer. Kapiloff is president of Kapiloff Insurance Agency Inc., in Keene.
- Keith Maglia of Atkinson, N.H., will serve as immediate past president. Maglia is president of Insurance Solutions Corp., with offices in Plaistow and Londonderry, N.H. Maglia served as president of the association from 2022-24.

PIA New Hampshire is the premier professional association for independent insurance agents, working to advance the needs of its members and be a leading voice in the insurance industry. PIANH provides members with the very best education, information, advocacy, and business tools possible.