The Connecticut Insurance Department approved the proposed workers’ compensation loss cost filing made by the National Council on Compensation Insurance, consisting of an overall 14.1% decrease. The CID also approved an overall assigned risk rate decrease of 8.2%....
N.J.: 2022 WC overall rate level decreases 5.3%
The New Jersey Compensation Rating and Inspection Bureau received approval from the Department of Banking and Insurance for a rate revision of -5.3% to go into effect Jan. 1, 2022. The revision is applicable to new and renewal policies. The NJCRIB distributed Circular...
NCCI 2022 WC loss cost decrease approved in New Hampshire
The New Hampshire Insurance Department approved the original workers’ compensation voluntary loss cost filing made by the National Council on Compensation Insurance, consisting of an overall 8% decrease. Additionally, a decrease of 10.4% of the overall assigned risk...
Revised WC loss costs take effect Oct. 1, 2021
In May, an application for an overall loss cost decrease of 6.4% was submitted to the New York State Department of Financial Services by the New York Compensation Insurance Rating Board. The DFS approved the application as requested with an effective date of Friday,...
NYSIF updates discount programs, adds a new endorsement and appoints new underwriting director
Recently, PIANY received an update from the New York State Insurance Fund, which details modifications to the Safety Group Enhanced Discount and Preferred Risk Business Discount; the addition of a new endorsement for employees telecommuting from a location outside of...
NCCI 2021 WC loss cost decrease of 5.5%
The Vermont Department of Financial Regulation approved the original workers’ compensation voluntary loss-cost filing made by the National Council on Compensation Insurance, consisting of an overall 5.5% decrease. Additionally, a decrease of 4.6% of the overall...
NCCI 2021 loss cost decrease of 1.8% approved
The Connecticut Insurance Department approved the proposed workers’ compensation loss cost filing made by the National Council on Compensation Insurance, consisting of an overall 1.8% decrease. An overall assigned risk rate decrease of 1.4% was approved. These loss...