PIA Northeast members went to D.C.

May 30, 2023

Hundreds of PIA members from across the country descended on our nation’s capital to participate in the 2023 PIA National Advocacy May 9-10. PIA members visited the offices of their congressional representatives to inform them of the firsthand effects that proposed legislation would have on their businesses and clients.

See photos from the event.

Representatives from Connecticut

PIA volunteers from Connecticut included: Kyle Dougherty, CIC, PIACT president; Nick Ruickoldt, CPIA, PIACT president-elect and director/Legislative Committee vice chairperson; Timothy G. Russell, CPCU, PIACT past president/National immediate past president; Ryan Kelly, CTYIP president and liaison. PIACT also was represented by Theophilus Alexander, PIACT’s government & industry specialist.

Representatives from New Hampshire

PIANH President Keith Maglia, along with PIANH Director of Government & Industry Affairs Bradford J. Lachut, Esq., represented the Granite State on Capitol Hill.

Representatives from New Jersey

PIA member volunteers from New Jersey included: Connie Mahoney, PIANJ president-elect; Paul Monacelli, CIC, CPIA, PIANJ national director and past president; and Casey Yarger, CIC, CRM, PIANJ director. They were joined by Bradford J. Lachut, Esq. PIANJ’s Director of Government & Industry Affairs.

Representatives from New York

PIA member volunteers from New York state included: PIA National President-elect, PIANY National Director and Past President Richard A. Savino, CIC, CPIA; PIANY President David Sidle; NY-YIP President Scott Richards. They were joined by Theophilus Alexander, PIANY’s government & industry specialist.

Federal insurance issues the topic of discussion

PIA members from Connecticut, New Hampshire, New Jersey and New York discussed issues ranging from flood insurance to Cannabis Safe Harbor for independent agents to state regulation of insurance. PIA members advocated for a long-term reauthorization of the National Flood Insurance Program, urged the congressional representatives to protect producer commissions in any NFIP extension, and support legislation that would recognize private flood insurance policy as providing continuous coverage to protect consumers from unbelievably high NFIP premiums if they return to the program.

PIA Northeast members requested support for Cannabis Safe Harbor legislation that would shield independent insurance agents and carriers from federal criminal liability for doing business with cannabis-related entities conducting business in states where cannabis is legal; and requested support for repealing the Federal Insurance Office.

Finally, PIA Northeast members opposed the FTC’s notice of proposed rulemaking and a congressional proposal prohibiting the use of noncompete provisions and noncompetition agreements between employers and employees. The members emphasized the importance of relegating the governance of noncompete agreements to the states and stressed the importance of noncompetes in protecting their businesses.

Theophilus Alexander
PIA Northeast | + posts

Theophilus W. Alexander joined PIA Northeast as a government & industry affairs specialist for the Government & Industry Affairs Department in 2023. Prior to joining PIA, Theo had served in both houses of the New York State Legislature. Previously, he worked as a legislative analyst for Hon. New York State Sen. Samra G. Brouk, D-55, and he served at the New York State Assembly, as a policy analyst with New York Assembly Program & Counsel. Theo received his Bachelor of Arts degree in Politics from Ithaca College in Ithaca, N.Y.

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