There and back again: An E&S journey

There and back again: An E&S journey

In the 2023 E&S edition of PIA Magazine, I wrote about the perils and pitfalls that insurance producers face when placing business in the nonadmitted—or excess & surplus lines—marketplace through the lens of Lord of the Rings. [EDITOR’S NOTE: You can access...

PIACT holds successful Legislative Reception

PIACT holds successful Legislative Reception

PIACT held its annual Legislative Reception on March 19, 2024, in the lobby of the Connecticut Legislative Office Building. The event presented a unique opportunity for insurance agents to share their experiences, insights and visions for the future of Connecticut’s insurance industry with members of the state legislature and the Connecticut Insurance Department. PICTURED: (L-R) PIACT Director of Government & Industry Affairs Bradford J. Lachut, Esq.; PIACT National Director Jonathan T. Black, LUTCF, CPIA, CLTC, NAMSA, NSSA; Representative Kerry Wood, D-29, co-chair of the Insurance and Real Estate Committee; and PIACT Government & Industry Affairs Specialist Theophilus Alexander.