NOAA predicts a mild, warm Northeast this spring

April 1, 2022

Recently, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration released its climate predictions for April, May and June. After a winter that was mild for some—and not so mild for others—this spring could be a much-needed break. However, some of these predictions come with interesting implications.

Northeast precipitation and temperature outlook

Precipitation. Between now and the end of June, NOAA predicts that most of the Northeast should see its usual amount of precipitation this spring. However, parts of Western New York are 30-50% more likely to see more precipitation than is customary this time of year.

Temperature. NOAA predicts that the Northeast has a 30-50% chance of experiencing higher temperatures than normal. In fact, more than half the U.S. is predicted to experience above average temperatures this spring.

Flood risks

NOAA predicts that regions near the Northeast may experience flooding this spring. However, even NOAA’s predictions show only the areas that have a 50% chance (or more) of flooding. So, the Northeast may have a lower chance of flooding—but lower could mean a 49% chance.

No matter what, there’s no such thing as zero flood risk, especially since NOAA predicts warmer-than-usual Northeast temperatures this spring. Rapid snowmelt could cause streams, rivers and lakes to overflow.

Talk to your insureds about flood insurance

Ultimately, these are just predictions. The Northeast could experience more precipitation than usual, even higher temperatures than normal or a higher risk of flood.

As you know, it takes 30 days for flood insurance to go into effect, so the time to start talking with your insureds about flood insurance is now.

To help you start the conversation, PIA offers resources through its Flood Insurance Tool Kit and PIA Design & Print. For more information on the Flood Insurance Tool Kit, email PIA’s Industry Resource Center. For more information on how PIA’s Design & Print can help you connect with your insureds this spring, email Design & Print Account Manager Calley Rupp.

Additionally, PIA-partnered The Hartford—a leading insurance company in the property/casualty industry—offers The Hartford Flood Program, which provides competitive commissions exclusive to PIA members for new business (20%), renewals (19.5%) and rollovers (20%). Access to this program includes online quoting, endorsements, policy issuance and free flood-zone determinations (to name a few).

Alexandra Chouinard
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Alexandra Chouinard has editing, writing, advertising and publishing experience from her Alma Mater, Loyola University, where she earned a dual Bachelor of Arts Degree in Writing and Communication.

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